Pixxelpoint, computer art Slovenian.

. Art

22:11:02 Pixxelpoint, computer art Slovenian.
It begins on November 22 of the 2002 edition of Pixxelpoint , computer art festival that takes place in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. This year's exhibition includes two distinct pathways of communication: one for the artists can show their work through the screens and video projectors placed on the walls in the tunnels, and the lectures and concerts with investments in the first person. Completely free event includes the sections of still images (2D, 3D and vector), computer animation, interactive art and music, which have been selected by many local artists and several international importance, including the Italian Mauro Ceolin and l ' English Room. Four, finally, conferences provided: 'Language in the medium: literature on the internet' with Jaka Zeleznikar, 'Rendering without light' with Daniel Lovas, 'Computer art at coffee-time' with 'Matjaz Hmeljak' and 'Ð Net.art from margin to classics' with the pioneer of the genre Vuk Cosic.