IIlegal Art, plagiarist festival in New York.

. Hacktivism

22:11:02 IIlegal Art, plagiarist festival in New York.
Illegal Art: Freedom of Expression in the Corporate Age is an exhibition Starting from the same principle that has guided the jazz of the thirties and illustrators of Looney Tunes in the forties, the philosophy that seeks to assert is that borrow other people's work to build your own is not a crime, or genres such as collage, Pop Art or hip hop would never have existed. The intention of the curators also the notation that the copyright recognized in the U.S. Constitution was intended in orgine to facilitate the exchange of ideas and not to prevent them. L'' degenerate art 'corporate era, as it is called has two sections: one for visual arts, and the other film and video. In the first classics like the cover of 'U2' Negativland, the one with the Beatles early Residents, the work that caused the lawsuits filed by Matt Groenig The Simpsons (bunnyhop), Kieron Dwyer at the Starbucks (Starbucks logo parody), Mattel Tom Forsythe (installations with Barbie), and so on. In the animation, instead, you go from Bush entered illegally in an episode of the Teletubbies, the scathing criticism of the war in Iraq in 1991 made by Phil Patiris made through the products of American industry, up to 'Gimme the Mermaid', video Negativland made by an employee of Disney out of business hours.