American Internet, Coca Cola in Ascii.

. Art

27.11.02 American Internet, Coca Cola in Ascii.
The Coca Cola as a symbol of invasiveness U.S. or global social level? The net artist Eryk Salvaggio has developed a piece of the Committee on that starts as the logo of the drink is considered, for better or for worse, one of the most representative symbols of the USA. And in the same way it combines virtually the uvula of the inhabitants of the world (from Japan to Macau, China to Israel). Internet promises to bring a similar leveling with the ability to communicate from anywhere to anywhere, maybe buying a Coca Cola in the shop nearest you. But there is another similar standard for dissemination to the recipe of the drink: ASCII, the universal standard for transmitting emails and web pages, though its acronym expanded to bring us back to the first economic power: The American Standard Code for Information Interchange. American Internet compares the ubiquity of the two standards (ASCII and Coca Cola) with images of the cans nationalized accessed by clicking on their 'top level domain' (. it to Italy, either. fr for France) and viewing the pictures in Ascii. Remain in the last doubts provocative author: just access to the Internet and Coca Cola to 'Americanize' a nation?