Non-Mexican video art online.

. Art

17:07:02 Videoarte non-Mexican online.
The Mexican Fernando Llanos, having hosted artists countrymen on its website, has invited several international video artists to express themselves on Mexico , speaking in their works in sequence. So in a nice thematic collection has seen face on a subject area, people with very different geographical origins. There are no special criteria in curing this review, but despite this the sensitivity of the different participants is fully expressed, with short stories that vary in appearance and themes, but leave all a vague reference to the Central American nation yet fully appreciated. The works are: 'Red is out' by Jesse Lerner, 'bajas frecuencias mejicanas' Guillermo Amato, 'Julie in the Box (no gravity)' by Julie-C. Fortier, 'Mexico' by Pedro Jimenez, '"El Santo" vs. Microsoft'di Andres Burbano, 'mosquito centerdesigmexicocity'di 909,' Mexico, inquieto'di Javier Acero, 'Picnic en Chapultepec'di Enrique Enriquez and' Libertad'di jocool.