Hiperlook, alternative browser.

. Art

05:06:02 Hiperlook, alternative browser.
hiperlook 1.0 is a demo version of another alternative browser, which is part of the project Hipercubo (OK) on the connections between art, science and technology in the Latin American context. The program, designed by Hernando Barragan, you can experience as java applets, and shall deconstruct the elements of the web page downloaded, showing some elements, including images and especially the code, making visible the structure of the pages, as if it were of columns, pipes and cables that make up a building. Aesthetically, in fact, the elements flow together to the mouse on different layers and overlapping, providing a visual sensation of depth and set of structuring data, also thanks to a grid that moves together with the data themselves. A simulation of the 'matrix', then, that enhances the dynamic / spatial information in the network, and returns its mobile nature.