European Digital Rights, the European association for the digital rights.

. Hacktivism

18:06:02 European Digital Rights, the European association for the digital rights.
A new organization for the protection of digital rights was established in Brussels (Belgium), with the intent to actually weigh the decisions of Parliament and the Council of Europe. It's called EDRi and brings together a remarkable group of associations of different countries of the union: Bits of Freedom (Netherlands), Chaos Computer Club (Germany), Digital Rights (Denmark), Electronic Frontier Finland (Finland), Foundation for Information Policy Research (UK), Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft (Germany), Imaginons a réseau Internet solidaire (France), Privacy International (UK), Quintessence (Austria), Verein für Internet-Benutzer (Austria). This association was prompted by the realization that all major decisions regarding privacy and threatens civil rights online are taken at the community level, where then is now more necessary than ever to feel the weight and amplified in all of the various national on the parliamentary union. The first topics to be discussed will be required to hold user data, the intercepts telematics, negotiations on cybercrime, initiatives to sort and filter web content, procedures, warning and seizure of websites, as well as restrictions the 'fair use'.