SDR-4X, singing and dancing robot of Sony.

. EMusic

21:03:02 SDR-4X, singing and dancing robot from Sony.
The SDR-4X Sony unveiled a prototype robot that can sing and dance. Built with Characteristics anthropomorphic, the SDR-4X can carry out a harmony by moving your hips and arms in time. Sixty centimeters tall, the robot is also able to recognize faces, voices and names, and support simple conversations. Based on the same software Aibo, SDR-4X comes with a vocabulary of 60,000 words, and when she meets a new person says, 'Please remain still for a minute, until I memorized your face', a procedure that runs through two tiny cameras. Through an input of music and lyrics, the robot is able to sing with vibrato techniques. Expected price: 'As a luxury car' said Sony.