Intermedium 2, the radio as art on the net.

. Art

22:03:02 intermedium 2, the radio as art on the net.
Inaugurated today at the ZKM in Karlsruhe (Germany) 'intermedium 2, X or 0: Identities in the 21st century' , the second edition of the biennial international festival of hybridization of the radio medium with other media, including, of course, the Internet. Involved more than one hundred artists from 15 nations and involved work with various kinds of sound, and more generally to 'broadcast narrative' that are issued in local frequencies and broadcast on the network. Among the net art projects, which make up a large part of the program are: Carlson Hatton, 'Aaron Davenport (from boom-box to detox)', the story of a young Californian suburban told through collage of sound fragments, Orhan Kipcak, 'AC – Audiocompounder ', fragments of identity collected from radio plays and reassembled for new narrative possibilities, Devolve Into II ( see ), Claudia Hardi '= 100 * kill first? @ Player ', a sequence for answering rethought and rewritten, Atau Tanaka' Frankensteins Netz '+' Promethee Numérique – Wiretapping the Beast ', a mysterious creature insatiable texts, images and sounds, which absorbs in a visible and audible, Manuel Räder , '(the) visible and the invisible', a soundtrack that interacts with the video which tells of places where they are stuck chewing gum, VOPOS ( see ) of the Italian 0100101110101101.ORG, Klaus Buhlert '"… the whole thing's … " (Part 3) ', an online interactive game based on texts by Samuel Beckett, and Mirjam Kort' Susi & Peter in Taka-Tuka-Land ', a symbiosis of cultures and narrative sound accordingly. There are also many projects that make use of the network as a transmission medium among which we should mention Sophisticated Soiree ( see ) spectacular event cardio-audio-visual with the software programmed by the Italian Jaromil.