BBC and Kenwood choose Ogg Vorbis.

. EMusic

04/02/02 BBC and Kenwood choose Ogg Vorbis.
Two important news give further legitimacy to the audio compression format Ogg Vorbis , the only developed according to the sound principles of free software. The first comes from multinational Kenwood announced its new line of hi-fi car, comprising the model Excelon Music Keg (pictured), with 10Gb of space for recording tracks and Ogg Vorbis compatible with both recording on 'hd interior, both for reading cd burned in this format. The second relates to the announced selection of the BBC Radio 4 for its canal, Ogg Vorbis use as a standard for streaming, thanks to better compression which reduces the data size by about 40 percent less, and that was very appreciated by users, according to posts on the site on British radio and television group.