020202 Movements Multimedia, tomorrow night in Florence.

. Art

020202 01:02:02 Movements Multimedia, tomorrow night in Florence.
Tomorrow night (02/02) at the Teatro Studio in Scandicci (Florence) from 15:30 until after midnight will be held '020202 Movements multimedia , a look upside down on the World Wide Web 'to care and Strano Network Scandicci Cultura. Presentations of the new texts by Antonio Caronia, Francesco Galluzzi, Claudio Parrini and Ferry Byte, Arturo di Corinto, Taiuti Lorenzo, Luca Luca Toschi and Scarlini. Multimedia projects curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, Federico Bucalossi, Strano Network, James Green and GMM, as well as a live performance of NAME (Sonic Genome) and the historic Florentine artist Giuseppe Chiari. Neural There will also be a part of the writing.