MOVET (Musical Optics for a Visual Entertainment Time).

. Art

14:01:02 MOVET (Musical Optics for a Visual Entertainment Time).
The 'Movet' ( Musical Optics for a Visual Entertainment Time ) shockwave animations are sensitive to input music managed by the computer (especially CDs that play in your CD-rom), bringing in the browser window displays the tradition of music which opened in the early nineties by software like Cthuga, were recently also sublimated from large companies like Apple who made one of the bulwarks of its management program iTunes music files. The group that developed the 'movets' on this site is that of the Spanish Area 3, of Barcelona, ​​a laboratory for artists, designers, musicians and programmers. The visual interactions that are sensitive to variations in tone and rhythm for accellelarsi or subside, ranging from geometric ('Music and Space', 'Crystal') to the conceptual ('ASCII', 'Party People') offering different ideas and fascinations for vj and artists.