RTMark: YesIWill first parodyware.

. Art

19:11:01 RTMark: YesIWill first parodyware.
After the creation of site-travesty gatt.org (see RTMark 'spoofano' the WTO site ), is coming retaliation through the WTO that Verio, the provider who was leaning Gatt.org, who made ​​close to the same site violation of copyright, announcing it in a threatening letter . This is despite the claims made in a few weeks before the Liberation of the WTO also spokesman Jean-Guy Carrier said that "It is not our task to use legal means against the people. We appreciate dissent and honest criticism." In order to counter effectively the group of censorship which holds gatt.org, the 'Yes Men', released publicly in a particular open source program called 'parodyware'. It's called Yes I Will! within minutes and creates an effective parody of whichever site is selected. The software works by duplicating the selected site, dynamically changing images and words, these freely programmable. In this way, by closing a site, if they are able to create countless others just as entertaining, as demonstrated by some examples can be experienced, as in the case of cnn.com where in the news about the war, with the U.S. and Afghanistan have been replaced the words God ( God) and Evil (bad).