New York: sampling the network (2).

. Hacktivism

13/09/01 New York: sampling the network (2).
Still some news on the impact on the network of American tragedy.
. The FBI is trying to install his system of espionage 'Carnivore', now renamed 'DCS1000' on as many Internet Service Providers possible. Hotmail also received some pointers from the bureau, for some accounts that communicate in Arabic.
. After crazy escalation of prices of memorabilia of the twin towers, as in the case of this postcard with model of the Twin Towers (pictured), sold at 311 dollars, eBay has wisely decided to ban and delete all the auctions for the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at least until 1 October.
. It is not surprising that the press Lycos revealed as' World Trade Center 'was the most searched word on its search engine in the last hour, and in the top five most frequently used terms, four (' Nostradamus', 'New York' and 'Osama bin Laden ') are related to the tragedy. In the first 10 also includes 'Terrorism' and 'Pentagon'. The research related to the term 'CNN' are about 160 times more than usual.
. Among the most idiotic speculation that should be reported gross load of English to Sky News, which identified 'Flight Simulator' Microsoft of a possible terrorist training tool.