V4W.enko And Sanmi – Y:E:T

V4W.enko And Sanmi

CD – Nexsound
This work is based on fascinating generative sounds, sensually moving between hyper-vivid structures. These are developed through patterns organized in multilevel textures that are rich in sudden changes of register, dysfunctions and digital jumps. Continuously expanding rhythmic concatenations evolve in very sharp iterations, sometimes quiet and sometimes more dynamic. This audio and video project by V4W.enko and Sanmi started in 2007 and is made from live electronic sound processing enriched with real time video streaming, all of which has been organized in carefully designed algorithmic flows, according to fairly simple and intuitive rules. With this release for Nexsound, the artists’ collaboration has become even closer: the buzzes, hisses and low frequencies seem to be more rigorously organized and maintain a sort of performative aplomb instead of being inspired by a strong conceptualism. The generative sound collage created by the Ukrainian and Japanese authors doesn’t offer any reference, evolving instead in a very sensual and synesthetically involving way, drawing cohesive synthetic abstractions, melodies barely hinted at, harmonic iterations and poetic piano fragments. The endless mutations give rise to many different syntonies, new levels of synergy that follow constant rules, outlining, in all seven tracks, an interesting mix of glitchy, abstract sounds and mild noise, and always unpredictable experiments with new sound forms.